Serial | Teen Ink


June 10, 2019
By Janeth916 SILVER, Sacramento, California
Janeth916 SILVER, Sacramento, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sarah Koenig is a American Journalist who produced a podcast called Serial. Sarah also worked on different podcast’s and ended up winning an award. She gets involved with detective stories and explains the sides of all the characters in the story. In this podcast, Sarah goes into the murder of a high school girl that turns into a investigation scene. This real life story doesn’t have a ending and that is what makes the listener more interested in it and more desperate to know what really happened. It contains a lot of different evidence from different people, even some who don’t really know the victims.

The murder of Hae Min Lee took place in Baltimore in 1999. Hae was only 18, going to school  and working, when she was strangled to death. There is one main suspect that is now in jail for life because the judge came to conclusion that he did it. His name is Adnan Syed. Adnan is Hae’s recent ex boyfriend so that could be one reason why the police puts him as the number one suspect. Sarah gives Adnan’s and Hae’s friends the opportunity to give their side of the story and talk about what they did that same day Hae was killed. Although some of them could not remember that day clearly, some of them gave some clues that were useful.

This podcast is actually really entertaining to listen to because you don’t really know who did what or who killed Hae Min Lee. You can have a opinion or believe this and that happened but you could also be wrong. Everyone that is part of this story has a different point of view saying different things. This podcast is great for young teenagers in high school that are thinking about going into a major in detective or somewhere around that category.

Serial is a important story because it shows us the process of a investigation scene and also gives us another reason to take in mind murders. Sarah puts this whole podcast into a good format and gives many evidence which makes you have a opinion of your own. She doesn’t give any confusing information that makes you wonder but instead she makes it very specific. Sarah makes a whole season that you are able to listen to and every each time they it gets deeper and deeper.

Many people download Serial each time there is a new episode. I recommend listening to this podcast because it will help your mind do more thinking as in question and wonder who did what or even just try to put each piece together.

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