“Easy On Me” By Adele Review | Teen Ink

“Easy On Me” By Adele Review

November 1, 2021
By Anonymous

Adele is an artist who interests many people of all ages but mainly focusing on ages 16 and up. After Adele’s disappearance for 5 years, not many were sure she would make a return. But when Adele posted on Instagram that a whole new album was coming our way, it had people from all over, and of many ages in excitement. Adele’s music was raw, holding deep emotions, something that we can all relate to. Adele's music is very strong, very powerful, and very moving. So when we all first heard word about the new album coming our way many had very high expectations. She didn’t leave us astray though, she released a song “Easy On Me” on October 15th. Giving us a taste of what this album would bring to our ears. I myself have loved some of Adele’s music due to being able to relate to the music, her music brought a type of comfort to me, her words and her voice were absolutely stunning. So when I heard of this new song I was excited to see what emotions she would bring out of me next. 

     At first listening to the song just by the tune I could tell this song was gonna have me in tears. Her beautiful voice hit my heart and I knew it was over. Her voice was angelic, the way she carried her words were absolutely beautiful. When first listening through it I could feel my heart clench at the absolute raw emotion heard in her voice, Adele took her music and brought it from her heart. Creating something we know must have been hard for her, but also something hard for us. Cause in Adele’s song we all find a deep connection with the words, and Adele is mostly a sad song writer. Her music can be painful but also comforting at the same exact time. 

     Listening to “Easy On Me” had me in absolute shock at how powerful her words were. She was gone for 5 years and then dropped an absolute masterpiece and it’s not even the album. “Easy On Me” is such a great song to connect to, when first hearing it I could already make a personal connection with her words. When she sings “I changed who I was to put you both first. But now I give up.” Wow, the meaning behind her words have such a powerful meaning. The way she explains through a sentence on how she had to change who she was completely to put people she had cared for first, but now she is tired trying to do things for them. The words through these lyrics can be heard so loud and clearly to those who have done nothing but try to please others, and become extremely tired trying to please everyone but themselves. This song is so incredible, the way a song can explain how hard it is being a child growing up trying to please everyone around you, to make them proud of you. How hard it is, how you were so focused on being perfect you couldn’t choose what was best for you. Saying “Please go easy on me” because she is trying her hardest. 

    I can say for myself that this song had reached my expectations, not even, it had exceeded my expectations. The pain and emotion, the connection I can make on a personal level, her beautiful voice. It was all there, I have a feeling this album is going to be crazy, full of amazing songs with strong emotions. Adele might just break our hearts here.

The author's comments:

I love Adele's music, and was excited to hear her new song. I felt this song would be best for me to review since I have some idea of what her past songs were like. I was not disappointed when hearing this song, it's absolutely wonderful!

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