Target Box Fan: A Review | Teen Ink

Target Box Fan: A Review

July 2, 2024
By Anonymous

I’ve been using a $20 Target box fan for over a week now. I guess using is an understatement. Plugged in and constantly on the highest setting would be more accurate.
Right now I’m on a training trip with my swim team. We’re rooming in a building without air conditioning. Of course, to make matters worse, we’re in Arizona. Luckily, we’re at some pretty high elevation. And while this makes training painful, it also makes the temperatures more bearable.
Still, as a Wisconsinite, the first night without AC was sweaty and sleepless. So, I did as any reasonable person would do and looked for a box fan at the Target down the street. To my horror, there were none left. I guess I’m not the only Midwesterner that can’t handle heat. Resigned, I walked back and managed to catch some sleep through another hot night.
Checking back the next day, Target decided to restock their box fans. I can't overstate the joy I felt when I tapped my card, spent $20, and became the new owner of a Target box fan.
After using it for over a week now, I can confidently say that the fan had a greater return on investment than an Apple stock bought in 1997. I’m clearly being overdramatic - my Wisconsin self is basically allergic to heat. But the impact that a singular fan had on me is hard to overestimate. With a cooler room, I'm able to sleep better, relax better, study better, and train better. The simple addition of a $20 fan into my room changed my life. (Once again, clearly overdramatic).
Now, if you’re a hardened, heat-resistant Floridian, the Target box fan may be useless. But to anybody who would rather find themselves in a foot of snow than in triple digit temps, the Target box fan is for you.

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