Andhadhun directed by Sriram Raghavan | Teen Ink

Andhadhun directed by Sriram Raghavan

July 22, 2024
By lin2006 BRONZE, Shanghai, Other
lin2006 BRONZE, Shanghai, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is an around five-minute climax clip in the movie ‘Andhadhun’, which is basically about Akash, a pianist pretending to be blind in order to concentrate on creating art, came to Pramod and Simi’s house to play piano for their wedding anniversary, but saw Pramod’s dead body on the floor, and when he went to the bathroom, seeing Simi’s paramour Manohar hiding in the bathroom. He continued pretending nothing has happened.

In the very first scene, Akash rang the bell and there is no one respond. In this setting, he just wore a casual cloth, jeans, and normal blue bag, indicates that he lived in middle-class, not rich but he is able to make a live by himself. In addition, the guide stick, and the glass he wore indicates that he was blind, or he was pretending to be blind. Moreover, he was completely in the shade and there was no light on him. It foreshadows that he might be related to something that is bad happening which would influence him a lot. When the door finally opened by Simi, the hostess of the house, she was in a silk dress which looks expensive, and there was a necklace on her neck, this suggests that she was in a higher class than Akash. However, the acting and makeup of her show that she was extremely tired, and impatient, and it took a long time to open the door, which may imply that she did not expect Akash to come, and she was in the middle of something. In this shot, Simi’s hands are holding the door tightly. This illustrates the nervous feeling of Simi, but she was still in control of the situation. Her acting and facial expression indicates that she did not want Akash to come inside. So the audience may take a guest about there is something bad happening inside her house.




Surprisingly, the neighbor of the Pramod’s showed up, this became the turning point of the whole plot. Then Simi had no reason to reject the pianist, so she let him come in. Simi looked very upset and nervous when Akash stepped into the house. The door is a rectangle, which indicates that there are two worlds of native and evil. Symbolism which is a Pudovkin’s Technique was being used. The opening of the door symbolized the unstoppable coming of ‘crime’ and ‘evil’ world to Akash. In the next scene, Simi pretended to call his husband which was dead, and she was walking from right to left on x-axis, this movement suggests that Simi was in a situation of struggle and uncomfortable. Moreover, the scene also shows that she was agitated because she was continuously touching her hair. Then, Akash finally saw the dead body on the ground. His facial expression suddenly changed from joy and calm to the one full of fair and shock. The camera cut to the scene of a man’s legs and the blood on the ground, this uses the one of the Pudovkin’s Technique which is ‘contrast’ to create an intense atmosphere for the scene. This was not excepted by Akash, so although he intended to see nothing, the camera captures the few seconds of him being shocked and nervous. The music also plays an important role in showcasing what is happening next. The music was a diegetic sound he played with the piano. Once the time Akash saw the dead body, the tone of he piano completely changed from lively to a loud, falling tone which is completely differ from the tone before. Therefore, the audience can imply that he might see something scary or unexpectable before seeing the dead body.






After that, Akash asked for going to bathroom for calming down the mood. On the way of Simi holding him to the toilet, she was nearly as tall as Akash, and in this situation, Simi was completely controlling his body and they were in the darkness where is no light. These all foreshadows that in the following plot, Simi was in the control of Akash, the danger was near him, and Akash cannot escape from her and the upcoming event. Then, when he came into the toilet, the light is still dark, which indicates that there was still danger and insecurity inside. In the next shot, the camera suddenly shifts from Akash to another angle showing that there was another muscular man who named Manohar standing there and holding a gun. There was a non-diegetic sound here---the music. The music here became intense and nervous when the shot shifts to Manohar, which creates a compelling and push the plot into the climax---there were two people join forces to against him if he exposed himself. The light converged on him, making him only the one that stand in the bright light. The background color of the wall and the curtain which are white and grey, perfectly matches the white vest of Manohar. However, the entire body of Akash is in the shadow where was entirely no light. This shows that Manohar dominated the situation, and Akash was weak, vulnerable, and could not fight back on his own.





Akash did see Manohar, but his nearly perfect acting skill did not give him away. The audience can indicate that through the matching of Akash’s costume which contains mainly the color of grey and blue and the background colors which are also grey, blue, and white. These well-matched colors suggest that although Akash was in an extreme dangerous place and condition, he still could handle it through his intelligent and bravery. After this impressed shot, he finished using the bathroom and Simi helped him back to the piano. Then the camera gives a close shot of the facial expression of Manohar. There was no light on his face, this contains different meaning compared to others, that he might be an evil and ruthless person. This characteristic foreshows that he may do something bad in the future that harms Akash. After that, finally, as the one before, Akash and Simi were still in the darkness in the corridor and Simi still got control of Akash.

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