Hamlet | Teen Ink


December 16, 2009
By AlexA@ BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
AlexA@ BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Shakespeare has written many great plays and many people say Hamlet is one of them. Could they be wrong? Hamlet takes place in Denmark during the 1500’s and is the story of the prince of Denmark, Hamlet, whose father the king has been murdered by his uncle. Now his uncle is king and Hamlet’s father has asked Hamlet to avenge his death and kill his uncle.
Shakespeare’s writing is great to a point but the plot doesn’t seem to move. His characters think about every little detail and don’t seem to want to do anything until the very end of the play. The ending in itself was very quick and almost comical. It can be summed up in one phrase: Everybody dies. Since it is a play, I’m sure the plot would be much more entertaining if it was performed. The only redeeming quality to this play is that the characters are very well thought out and seem to have a lot of depth.
If you are thinking about reading this play, I would tell you that you should if you are suffering from insomnia but otherwise save yourself from a bore. I’m sure there is someone out there who would say that I’m not going “deep” enough into the plot, but I would have to say that they can look for symbolism and I’ll stay awake.

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