April 30, 2010
By stevee BRONZE, Thorton, Colorado
stevee BRONZE, Thorton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ring ding ring ding the cold metal handle cools my finger tips like a cold morning chill as the big metal square opens. “Venti mocha latte” said the golden oak wood streaked haired woman. “How may I help you.” My dark fertile soil brown eyes glare at the hazel sun glared eyes of the women. Scanning her like the terminator the baby soft rosy cheeks face toward me with condensation slowly spewing from her perfectly dry wall smooth forehead . “Sir.” O yes sorry I would like a vanilla bean with caramel please. “That would be $3.19.” Sure here you go keep the change. Cling the cash register opens as her flash hands put it in. “Thanks.” Like the flash hands she goes off and starts a rainbow vacuum white noise like the cracking of bone the blender riddles the hard ice chips to smooth grains. “Vanilla bean frap. “Order up.” As I take my first handle my hands are frost bit like putting your tongue to the evaporated ice on the fridge. “Gulp” the milky caramel drink tastes like a snowy mountain ridged with caramel lining. The best drink I ever had.

2/3 cup milk
2/3 cup ice
2 table spoons General Foods International Vanilla Cream powder (coffee-free)
2 scoops of vanilla bean ice cream

optional 2 table spoons of caramel
Ice in the blender ,

add the milk,

vanilla cream,

ice cream,

and or caramel

The author's comments:
This is my personal opinion.

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This article has 1 comment.

MacKar0n1 said...
on May. 13 2010 at 8:18 pm

this is GREAT! I love those vannillla bean frappes! they are super yummy and you explained them so artisticly