Advocacy Letter | Teen Ink

Advocacy Letter

December 11, 2013
By courtneyhuschka SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
courtneyhuschka SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To Whom It May Concern:

When I, a customer from Wisconsin, first found out about your online store through Storenvy, I was instantly attracted to your products. I looked through numerous pages of printed leggings, hoping to find the pair I had long been searching for – purple galaxy leggings. As soon as I came across a pair I loved, I was elated; your reasonable price was a bonus. I couldn’t turn away from this fantastic find. Believing I was purchasing a product from a reliable company, I made my online payment. However, the reliable, trust-worthy company I presumed was you, has evaded me.

On June 8th of 2013, I ordered my pair of purple galaxy leggings. Being aware of your two to 15 business day arrival statement, I knew to be patient. However, as the 15 days passed and yet, no leggings, I sent an e-mail out to your company explaining my experience. Attached to the email, I sent the order details I received from Storenvy, which included my order number and my receipt from PayPal. Four days later, I got an e-mail back explaining that your company was awaiting a new shipment of the particular style of leggings I ordered. Furthermore, I was told in the e-mail that my order had been received and that, due to the delay, I would get 15% off my next order, with the use of a redeemable code. Satisfied with the offer and understanding the circumstance, I continued to wait, expecting to receive my leggings within the next couple weeks. However, it is almost five months later, and I still have not received the leggings I purchased.

Since the moment of ordering your leggings, I had been so excited to receive them in the mail. I couldn’t wait to be able to put them on for the first time and see how great they really are. Now all of that excitement has faded, and I feel scammed.

With your authority, the unreliability issue can be fixed. I hope you will consider my unfortunate experience, and send me the leggings I ordered within the next couple weeks of receiving this letter. If this is not possible, a complete refund on the leggings in my account would be appreciated. If you have any questions, you may return a letter to the address above. My order information is attached below.

Thank you,

Courtney H

The author's comments:
This is an advocacy letter that I wrote to a online clothes company since I never received my order.

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