Response to "How I Changed for the Better" | Teen Ink

Response to "How I Changed for the Better"

February 17, 2014
By Robbie Steffen SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Robbie Steffen SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the article “How I Changed for the Better” by Jonathan D is an article about bulling. There was a morning assembly on this touchy subject and he dreaded going to it, but it changed him for the better.
It is so nice to see people change for the better. It just goes to show that there really are still good people in this world. If I saw someone being bullied I would probably ignore the situation as well, but after I read this article it makes me want to help anybody that is being bullied in school. I was very surprised to see that Jonathan wanted to change for the better. Because, he stated, “I stared down at my running shoes, memorizing every scratch and scuff. Gone were thoughts of homework, replaced with concern and slight sense of guilt. I too have teased and humiliated some one many times.” Jonathan D, qtd. in. It is always good to see someone want to change for the better.

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