Response to "Wrong Place" | Teen Ink

Response to "Wrong Place"

February 17, 2014
By Robbie Steffen SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Robbie Steffen SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The article “Wrong Place” by Travis R is an article about him questioning him self, but yet he fell in love. He always stated, “What am I doing here?”
In the article “Wrong Place” I feel like Travis seems like he is ready to give up on him self and everyone around him. I feel this way, because he questions him self on every other line saying “What am I doing her?” But, eventually he found a girl that really liked him and cared for him. After he found the girl he loved, he stopped questioning himself. I do believe after you find some one you really like that this will start to fall in there places.

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