"Golf's Ups - and Downs" Review | Teen Ink

"Golf's Ups - and Downs" Review

February 17, 2014
By Nate Bassous SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Nate Bassous SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In "Golf's Ups - and Downs," the author states that most people see golf as boring and dull. Through my experience, I have come to the same conclusion. In reality, golf is quite the opposite. I agree with the author’s statement that it is an eventful and demanding sport. Golf takes practice, skill, and patience to master. It is just like any other of the more “exciting” sports. In a way, golf can be harder and more exciting than other sports. As the author states, a golfer is not only playing against his opponents but the course as well. Conditions play a role in several sports. However, the conditions in golf may affect play more than in any other sports. Therefore, contrary to what most people think, golf is indeed exciting and demanding.

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