Bitchery and Fashion Make for a Fabulous and Opinionated Blog | Teen Ink

Bitchery and Fashion Make for a Fabulous and Opinionated Blog

June 9, 2014
By Rachel Andres BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
Rachel Andres BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Tomandlorenzo is a haven for those who like to feast their eyes on Dior gowns and mock the celebrities wearing them. The blog is written by recently married Tom Fitzgerald and Lorenzo Marquez. Both have backgrounds in film and fashion and make daily posts about red carpet events, fashion shows, celebrity street style, as well as various TV shows including Mad Men, Downton Abbey, and Project Runway.

People of varying interests will find engaging content on the site, whether they are sharing their own opinions in the comment section along with the other readers, aka “Bitter Kittens,” or considering whether a star’s look is “in” or “out.” Those less interested in fashion will find the same delights in posts about TV shows, where Fitzgerald and Marquez make insightful comments on plot and character development, among other aspects. One of their most viewed posts is about the show Mad Men where they claimed the character Bob Benson was gay long before it was revealed on the show, an example of their intuition and understanding of film and television.

In addition to the episode reviews, Fitzgerald and Marquez post “Mad Style,” which analyzes the styling of Mad Men characters in terms of character development, relationships and the plot. One post noted “the yellow-and-blue combo has been absolutely consistently applied in scenes where characters were failing to connect with each other.” In a world where TV reviews are in abundance, looking at a show such as Mad Men through a fashion lens provides a fresh take. In fact, an actual Mad Men class currently offered at Whitman College requires students to read the Mad Style posts for class discussion.

So what makes these two bloggers so appealing? I think many would be quick to point out Fitzgerald and Marquez’s quick humor and brutal honesty. Their hilarious commentary and witty comparisons make their posts highly entertaining. One post commented on actor Johnny Depp’s unusual style and concluded that all his beads and straps must make him sound like an “elderly gay wind chime.” They have no filter as to what comes out of their literary mouths and ends up on the page. Readers are able to sense that their work is not contrived and that they are truly stating their opinions. However, this blog may not be for everyone as their crude humor might deter more conservative readers.

Another aspect of what Fitzgerald and Marquez do so well is play off the somewhat unexplainable fascination people have with celebrities. For people, like myself, who are enthralled with the glamorous lives of celebrities, tomandlorenzo lets us take a glimpse into their world, but also brings us back to reality as the bloggers supply snarky commentary about the ludicrous aspects of celebrity life as well. For example, they are always delighted to point out the stars seeking to attain that stylish yet nonchalant vibe in grocery store parking lots, while “coincidentally” holding their handbags so the designer labels are displayed to the paparazzi.

Yet hidden behind the mockery is a genuine knowledge and appreciation for fashion. In a recent post, Fitzgerald and Marquez discuss the transfer of power within the fashion industry, starting in the 90’s where all eyes were on the supermodels, moving on to the millennium when fashions editors such as Anna Wintour gained influence. In the current moment, they claim fashion is controlled by the stylists, an era they expect will not last for long as a new face will come to take its place. While many of Fitzgerald and Marquez’s observations may make readers laugh out loud, posts such as this one have allowed them to prove themselves to be educated and respected fashion reviewers, reflected in numerous shout outs from sources such as The New York Times, Vanity Fair and their fans who include Nina Garcia, Creative Director at Marie Claire.

So the next time you want a ruthless rundown of the Oscar fashions or another person’s opinion on last night’s Downton Abbey episode, head on over to Tomandlorenzo where laughs and enlightenment are sure to ensue.

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