The Terrible Result of Shark Fin Soup | Teen Ink

The Terrible Result of Shark Fin Soup

January 14, 2015
By James Porter BRONZE, Escondido, California
James Porter BRONZE, Escondido, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This soup is supposed to be expensive pleasure of menu choice to many Chinese and quite popular making the top dish of most Chinese restaurants, but with a huge cost. Tons of sharks are being fished constantly cutting off their fins and wasting the rest of the body by dumping it back into the ocean where it dies or eventually meets its fate by not being able to swim thus dying of: hunger, getting eaten, or washed up ashore.  Also, their numerous amount of deaths are extremely bad for our oceans ecosystem; sense they are the top predator and caretaker of the ocean for many years now, which would include threatening businesses that would relate with marine life.  This also goes for the great slaughter of dolphin hunting in Japan, where it continues today killing more than twenty thousand each year from the beginning of October to the end of April, along with other smaller whales.  If we did ban this carnage, this would put a terrible impact on Chinese businesses taking away their prime source of their wealth.  This would also include ruining their trade, and probably would result on being in the black market. 

To resolve this problem, I would say they shouldn’t waste the rest of the body or at least give to someone who sells fish or even the jaws.  Another thing that should be dealt with that should be resolved is the amount of sharks being killed. Can the fishermen please lessen the capture of these sharks enough to avoid from being endangered or worse, extinction?  I would say this would be a fine solution, the Chinese still get their soup and don’t have to worry about our oceans ecosystem going out of balance.

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