Review of the Book of Mormon | Teen Ink

Review of the Book of Mormon

January 19, 2017
By Anonymous

New York City is famously known for its famous Broadway shows and whether you’re a tourist or a native, a Broadway shows will never fail to entertain. Of course, there are some better than others so it’s important to find the best shows and the best seats available. I have recently seen The Book of Mormon on Broadway, and it was definitely an enjoyable experience. The play is about two men from the Mormon Church traveling to a small town in Africa to convert the people there into Mormonism. They faced multiple challenges because the natives were very sinful and misguided. The two Mormons experience a rollercoaster ride while trying to convince the natives that God will guide them away from sin.

First, the show is very energetic and musical so you certainly will not be crouched down in your seat nor waiting for the time to go by. The show begins with around fifteen characters on stage performing an introduction composed of singing and dancing. All the performers are very energetic and play their roles amazingly throughout the show. Their facial expressions are presented well and match perfectly with each actor’s line. Furthermore, jokes are constantly being made and the orchestra is continuously plays melodies and sound effects that match perfectly. In the orchestra seating, I could feel my chair vibrate from the orchestra playing below us. The songs that were played aligned with the scenes and the music was very appropriate. Clearly, the show was very prepared and organized to flow smoothly. All the actors and singers fit into their characters perfectly and every actor knew their line by heart.

Definitely, the plot of the play was very childish even though it was meant to be for adults.  The humor was meant to appeal to young adults however the jokes were similar to those that a teenage boy would make. The jokes made were dirty and completely obnoxious. For instance, when the two Mormons arrived to Africa, their tour guide told them that the spread of AIDS is a serious issue in their community. Then a character with AIDS had overheard them and said, “Don’t worry you’ll be fine as long as you f*** a new born baby!” I was bewildered and disgusted by the man’s words. I find it disrespectful and grotesque that the show allowed this “joke” on stage. Rape and AIDS are two serious issues in our society, so it made me cringe rather than laugh. Some chuckles were heard in the audience but the majority remained silent. Some of the same jokes were repeated which made the jokes more bland and dull. Towards the end of the play, more props and special equipment were used that brought the show to life. The stage was filled with smoke at one point colorful lights were shining everywhere. The jokes became funnier as the show proceeded. The young audience roared in the ending scene. The young man sitting next to me was slapping his leg and laughing with tears in his eyes. From a teenage perspective, my friend and I found the play obnoxious and funny depending on the scene. As previously stated, the jokes were very disrespectful and I believe Broadway could have created funnier jokes with more appropriate material. The jokes interrupted the flow of the play and made my experience rather uncomfortable The show became much funnier and more enjoyable towards the end because less cringing jokes were made and more appropriate ones were made. All in all, I would recommend the play to young adults that would understand the humor and pop culture references.

Once the play ended, the actors and actresses bowed on the stage and the audience went wild cheering. Everyone was standing up and clapping to appreciate the show. The show is currently rated a 4.3 out of 5 on yelp and a 5 out of 5 on trip advisor.  I would rate this show a 7 out of 10. Reason being, the play did not have a very strong plot, so therefore it relied on the jokes to entertain the audience. I’m typically free-spirited and open to a good laugh but I did not find the jokes funny. They were forced into the scenes and offensive to many people. However, the end of the show was very entertaining and the performances of the actors and actresses saved the show. 

To conclude, I would recommend The Book of Mormon to all the theater obsessed viewers and tourists looking for a good laugh. Despite the terrible humor, the show flowed very smoothly and the actors did a fabulous job portraying their character.  I would recommend a young audience to watch this play, and I highly advise you not to bring a traditional adult with you. This show is definitely not one that you would want to see with the family. The Book of Mormon is a great show to watch with your close friends for a carefree experience and a good laugh.

The author's comments:

This is ny personally experience and opinion that i have concluded form watching The Book of Mormon of Broadway. 

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