Eragon | Teen Ink


April 20, 2009
By Genny Stubbs SILVER, Chelsea, Michigan
Genny Stubbs SILVER, Chelsea, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

By: Christopher Paolini

Eragon a normal young farm boy from the town of carvahall suddenly finds himself forced into making decisions that could change the entire fate of Alagaesia. He must rely on those who he trusts and sometimes people he doesn't but whatever he does he must survive and complete his quest. Will he be able to complete his journey and save Alagaesia or will the forces of Galbatorix defeat our young farm boy and rule Alagaesia for all time with is somehow ever growing power?

In the land of Alagaesia dragon riders once flourished. Then an angry dragon rider became enraged at the dragon rider elders. He is so mad that he tricks another dragon rider into helping him steal another dragon egg. A few dragon riders convert over to the side of Galbatorix and with his new dragon and fellow dragon riders Galbatorix wipes away the land of all who oppose him. Becoming stronger with every victory Galbatorix soon crowns himself king of all Alagaesia.

Eragon is an excellent adventure fantasy book. I found myself reading for hours at a time reading it. Even when I put it down I was always thinking about it. Paolini does an excellent job of grabbing your attention and holding it there from the very first chapter till the very last word. He captures the reader with interesting and complex characters.

I recommend this book to anyone who likes a adventure book with suspicious characters and the difference between life and death hanging on anything and everything.


This article has 2 comments.

sparten939 said...
on May. 13 2011 at 2:08 pm
well. im writing this for a friend. he would stay up for hours reading his book ( with a flash light ) until someone forced him to go to bed. overall i think this is a great book 

jose said...
on Jun. 16 2009 at 3:49 pm
i think is a great page to find infromation