China: The Hungry Dragon | Teen Ink

China: The Hungry Dragon

May 15, 2009
By Sara Hays BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Sara Hays BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever wanted to go to China or learn more about this interesting country? John Scott, author of China: the Hungry Dragon, wanted to capture the minds of young adults who have the same interest as he does.

This book has a lot of descriptive, long sentences, perhaps too many. They tended to drag on for long periods of time. Sometimes, the whole paragraph was just one sentence. The main point of the book was to inform about China’s history. Towards the end of the book, it talked for a while about China’s current economy, but the book was written in the late 1960s. There were many failing and prevailing dynasties. A lot of them just lasted a few centuries, but the others succeeded and flourished.

I did not like this book at all. It was very boring to me, probably because I am not very interested in China. The language and dialect was in this book many times. I had seen it almost on every page. It was hard to sound out the letters, so I just gave up. From then on, every time I saw a Chinese word, I used an American word to substitute in for it. One name in particular was Mau Tang. I called this man, Jim. It was much easier. Many things were hard to understand, especially the vocabulary.

John Scott wrote a very helpful book although it does tend to go on forever. I wouldn’t advise you to read this book unless you are very passionate about China or you absolutely think that you would love to learn about this complex country.

In conclusion, this book was very long and boring. It didn’t “capture” my mind like most books that I read do. It didn’t make me want more. I just wanted to put it down and never have to pick it up again. I didn’t wonder more about the topic, I didn’t want to learn more.


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