Hiroshima | Teen Ink


May 15, 2009
By Cody Morris BRONZE, Clendenin, West Virginia
Cody Morris BRONZE, Clendenin, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Book Review Outline
Book title and author: Hiroshima by John Hersey.
Title of review: For anybody who’s interested in the horrible tragedy called Hiroshima.
Number of stars (1 to 5): 4


This book called Hiroshima is a real good book. It explains the event and gives all of the important information that occurred during Hirsoshima. This book is a great book. The authors purpose of writing the book called Hiroshima as to inform the readers about how violent and show how the whole event happened.
Description and summary of main points
John Hersey, the author of the book Hiroshima was born in
China on 1914. He went to Cambridge and Yale university. Also he spent three years as a journalist. I thought the book was a good book, the reason behind that is that it gives allot of important information and facts that happened during Hiroshima. Another reason I like the book was that it gave the peoples thoughts and showed what they were doing during that time. I had two phrases that I thought as important the first one was by the Saturday Review of Literature, “Everyone able to read should read it”. The second one was “Many citizens of Hiroshima, however felt hatred for the Americans and nothing could change that.

I thought the book explained the events that happened very well. It gave many good details that explained the event. Also it reached it’s purpose by teaching everybody who read this book information that they might have been seeking when they checked out or bought the book. Also the book is similar to all of the other non- fiction books because most of the books are used to inform and that’s what this book did.

You will learn so much by reading this book. Also the book can show you how violent the world is. The book Hiroshima could be used to educate or to entertain.

Your final review


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