Book recommendation | Teen Ink

Book recommendation

October 7, 2021
By Anonymous

The book(s) I am recommending is the Ready Player One and Ready Player Two novels.  These novels are probably my favorite of all the books I have read so far (with the Percy Jackson books coming in a close second). For those of you who are wondering yes the Ready Player One novel is the book that the 2018 film by Steven Spielberg is based on. I love the way that the author Ernest Cline illustrates and describes things in these books, this does a great deal with immersing the reader into the story. I am also a huge science fiction fan which is one of the main things that draws me to these books. I love the insane amount of references to 1980s pop culture in the novels, how well done, and sometimes subtle yet great they are. The first book is great but part of me dares to say I think the second is better (or that I personally like it better but they are both amazing in their own right). The second book continues almost immediately after the first which is something I like because sometimes I don’t like huge time jumps in stories. The second one has more at stake in the story and therefore leaves you more on the edge of your seat which I love. The thing that I probably love most about the second book is the ending for a couple of reasons. Firstly, while I saw some aspects of the ending coming I was still quite surprised but not in a bad way as it was a wonderful ending and quite a twist, to be honest. While it can a slight emotional rollercoaster towards the end I think it finishes wonderfully, and even though it wasn’t the ending I was expecting it was really good and satisfying. Which is something I value in a book because some books can have unsatisfying endings. So if any of this intrigues you I highly suggest checking out these books.

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