The City of Ember | Teen Ink

The City of Ember

August 17, 2009
By scarfacequeen BRONZE, Chattanooga, Tennessee
scarfacequeen BRONZE, Chattanooga, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Life life today like your going to die tomorrow"

I am currently reading the City of Ember. It is confusing though at first. It says stuff about the town only being lit up by light bulbs and not the sun. I always have to remember it is a science fiction book. The book is talking about no other city's they know of. I would probably go crazy if I had no where else to go but where I am now.

I wonder how the writer came up with all of these creative ideas for this book. It is all stuff I would have never imagined reading or writing myself. I feel in love with the book at first sight. This book is a fantastic book. I hope other people like me decide to read read this book and even go see the movie!


This article has 2 comments.

on Jun. 17 2011 at 9:37 pm
Tink1350 BRONZE, Medford, New York
4 articles 0 photos 104 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Worries are like weights and weights keep you down, so let go of your worries and fly,"

im with u there.

sldkfja GOLD said...
on Sep. 17 2009 at 3:57 pm
sldkfja GOLD, Sdflkjdfl, Pennsylvania
17 articles 6 photos 39 comments
I loved that book. Although personaly I think the movie is a big fail.