The Awakening by Kate Chopin | Teen Ink

The Awakening by Kate Chopin MAG

By Anonymous

I have just completed the most eye-opening book, one unlike any I have read. After the first page, I was captivated by the seemingly cheerful life of vacationers on Grand Isle. The novel encompasses many themes: independence, femininity, love, strength, passion, and failure. The quest of the young mother and wife, Edna Pontellier, sums up all of these in one heart-wrenching story of self-discovery.

Just off the tip of Louisiana, Grand Isle is filled with adoring mothers and one who seems out of place. During one summer, Edna finds herself drifting away from her family and falling in love with another man. After learning how to swim, Edna finds strength and serenity in the warm ocean, which helps in her aspirations of happiness.

While her husband and children are out of town, Edna engages in two affairs that only make her feel more unsatisfied. Longing for independence, Edna develops the courage to become her own woman, leaving her husband's house and putting her past life behind her.

If you are a fan of awe-inspiring stories with a rollercoaster ride of finding yourself through the impossible, The Awakening is perfect for you.


This article has 2 comments.

i love this !

yvette597 said...
on Nov. 21 2008 at 2:05 pm
Wow i think i want to get up right now and get this book! I love your writing style and the way you described the book. It was great i really enjoyed reading your work NICE JOB and keep up the good work<3