Gifted Hands by Ben Carson | Teen Ink

Gifted Hands by Ben Carson

November 15, 2009
By Jesuslover<3 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
Jesuslover<3 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The book, Gifted Hands, was written by Ben Carson. In this story, Ben’s father leaves the rest of the Carson family when Ben was only eight years old. Ben was influenced in life, having no father to love and guide him. His mother, Sonya Carson, had to be not only a mother but also a ‘father.’ She encouraged Ben very much, and she helped him to get through grade school, college and also getting a very well-educated job. Ben worked for Johns Hopkins Hospital as a brain surgeon. He got married to a girl named Candy Rustin and had three sons with her.

I enjoyed this book very much. It helped me to understand that I should use my talents to the best of my ability. Ben Carson was a Christian. He believed in God and trusted Him. When one believes in God, they put God in full control of their lives, taking no part in what happens. They still have control of how they do things, but God is the one who is behind the whole thing. Ben Carson believed in God, and God was in full control of what happened during the Siamese twins’ surgery. God planned out what was going to happen, and He saved the twins’ lives. Ben wanted the twins to live, but he did not know if they were going to or not. God knew, and God chose to save them. I am also a Christian, just like Ben, and that has some influence on my life, reading about a man who lives under God. I loved the way how Ben received plenteous help from his mother, Sonya Carson. I also get lots of help from my mother. This book was very interesting and well-written. Ben Carson did a magnificent job of writing a life story about himself.


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