Cue for Treason | Teen Ink

Cue for Treason

March 1, 2010
By BLee_rocks BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
BLee_rocks BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Treason. High treason against the Queen. The words are pretty familiar to Peter Brownrigg. He is fourteen years old, and is promising student living in Cumberland, England. He ran away from his abode and kept an agitated Sir Phillip, a cruel and rotten man, in a sweating pursuit with a pace so fast that you might need to set the book down before you hyperventilate and possibly faint. This shows that Cue for Treason is an action packed, interesting, and well-written book that deserves your attention. Even though this novel, by Geoffery Trease, is a considered classic, it will keep you on the edge of your seat.

First off, this is a great novel because it has a twist of mystery in it. I know a lot of young readers usually read fantasies because they are intriguing, and a standard stereotype is that “classics” are boring. Even I had doubts when I started reading them, but classics with mysteries surprisingly go well together, to form a pleasing balance. Cue for Treason is a historical, realistic, fiction novel to be surrounded in, whether or not you like classics.

Secondly, Cue for Treason begins with a bang. Peter, his family, and strong-hearted neighbors destroy property illegally built by Sir Phillip over the Brownrigg’s territory, despite the consequences. Afterwards, he has to run away because Phillip has proof of Peter destroying his property. Following that, he accidentally joins an acting troop, and friends are made, local enemies turn to suspects, and Peter gets stuck right in the middle. Later on, he goes all over England trying to stop a group of criminals plotting against the Queen. The plot in Cue for Treason gets so thick that I have a difficult time explaining it. This is why, by the time you read the first sentences you will be hooked.

Thirdly, the author writes with a unique style. Since this book takes place in the Elizabethan age of England, the way the characters interact is how I believed people in olden England would behave. Geoffery Trease uses adjectives and descriptive details to paint pictures in your mind, and as everyone knows, a picture is worth a thousand words. His writing skills will convey his spectacular imagery that will wrap around you, and keep your eyes scrolling down the pages.

Finally, I recommend this book with a confident rating of five stars out of five. I recommend it because of the reasons above, additionally, if anyone is fond of a subtle mysteries, Cue for Treason should be on the top of their list. Action, anxiety, and a discreet mystery lay a thick mist over the entire book, it will definitely please you.

To sum it all up, Cue for Treason is a classic, but it will keep you running back for more. The author will take you into the book to fully experience Peter’s adventures all around England. He can crawl out of any problem, even though he’s being chased by Sir Phillip. All in all, Peter is just a regular child, except the future of England rests on his shoulders. No pressure!


This article has 3 comments.

reader said...
on Apr. 7 2010 at 8:15 am
Nice review. I agree. This is a good book.

on Mar. 11 2010 at 3:24 pm
AJ_TheGreatestEver BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"This is the wrong book-cover!"

Yay Blee.

great job


Foureyes said...
on Mar. 9 2010 at 1:03 pm
Great review! Love the book.