Knife Edge. | Teen Ink

Knife Edge.

October 8, 2007
By Anonymous

Blackmon, Malorie. Knife Edge. Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2007. 1416900187.

Grade Level: High School. This book is actually a sequel to Malorie Blackmon's first book, Black & White. Although I have never read the first book, I was immediately able to catch on to what was going on this book. This book was so intriguing because it dealt with day to day issues such as; racism, prejudice, grief, and despair. Note that all of the things that are going on are coming from that of an 18-year-old. In all actuality you catch on that even though in most books that looks at racism the Whites are of among the rich and famous, but in this book it is quite the opposite. The blacks are those with higher power, and unfortunately it is the Whites that have to be careful what they say of do. In a way I think that this book was full of tone and awesome diction. This book was definitely something that will keep the reader intrigued from beginning to end. In my opinion this was definitely a five star read.


This article has 1 comment.

Emily said...
on Nov. 9 2008 at 3:05 pm
First I'd like to point out that the prequel to this was Noughts and Crosses, not Black and White. Also, although I see nothing wrong with skipping out on the first book, I personally would find it difficult to feel the same amount of emotion towards each character if I didn't read it. Amazing book, a must- read for all ages.