The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown | Teen Ink

The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown

March 17, 2010
By Anonymous

Unlike the assumptions that most people make, this book requires neither a huge vocabulary nor an expansive knowledge of art and biblical history. In fact, all that's needed to enjoy this book is a tolerance and respect for other cultures. The main character is Robert Langdon-a likable, shy bookworm and a Harvard professor who often lectures on religious symbolism. For Langdon's symbol-oriented mind, even the floppy-eared, jolly Mickey Mouse can be related back to an ancient religious symbol.
The book begins with Langdon's lecturing in France when the murder of museum curator and prominent cultural mogul Jacques Sauniere calls Langdon into the crime scene. Baffled but too curious to decline, Langdon obediently goes to the Louvre and surveys the bizarre evidence left behind from the murder. Joining him is Sophie Neveu, sucessful cryptologist and ally to Langdon.
As Langdon and Sophie make progress with the clues and unearth the secret left behind from not only Jacqes but other historically prominent figures, they also discover a plan made by french authorities to arrest Langdon for murder of Sauniere.
With the French on thier tale and the faceless antogonist trying to solve the clues before them lurking in the shadows, its no walk in the park for Langdon and Sophie to solve this mystery.
Laced with historical facts that relate almost whimsically to present-day aspects of life, the DaVinci Code is worth reading for anyone and everyone with a love of cultures and the strange.


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