The End by Lemony Snicket | Teen Ink

The End by Lemony Snicket

November 20, 2007
By Emily Kerns BRONZE, Dell Rapids, South Dakota
Emily Kerns BRONZE, Dell Rapids, South Dakota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ever just get so caught up into a series full of adventure and secrets that you just can't wait to see how it ends? Well that is the series of unfortunate events. The book I just read by Lemony Snicket was called The End. It was full of action, secrets, and many stories that are now finally revealing their ending.

I'm not much of a reader now, but I had to finish the series I started, and of course Lemony Snicket did a fine job finishing the series with thirteen books. In the book the beginning of each chapter was a dull moment in the book, it was almost like a vocabulary lesson. Except the way he stated the words it made more sense to the younger readers, like me.

Overall Lemony Snicket is a great writer when it comes to these kinds of books. He keeps the action in the story at a high and draws you into the book so it's like you never want to stop. This series is a lot of fun to read and I am a big fan of it too. I would recommend not only the book but also the whole series. The books may not grab your attention right away at the beginning of the book but trust me, they will get better.


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