Nightwing: Rough Justice by Chuck Dixon | Teen Ink

Nightwing: Rough Justice by Chuck Dixon

September 5, 2010
By TwoFace17 GOLD, Sioux City, Iowa
TwoFace17 GOLD, Sioux City, Iowa
14 articles 2 photos 15 comments

The graphic novel Nightwing: Rough Justice is about the DC Comics superhero Nightwing. Nightwing's real name is Dick Grayson. He was the first Robin. When he got older, he decided to work alone and leave Gotham City in order to protect a city called Bludhaven. The protagonists in this graphic novel are the superheroes Batman and Nightwing. The antagonists are the corrupt Bludhaven cop Soames, a gangster named Lunch Meat, and the supervillains Man-Bat, Deathstroke, Scarecrow, and Blockbuster. There is two main conflicts. The first conflict is that Blockbuster is a huge figure in the Bludhaven underworld. The other conflict is that Deathstroke captures Man-Bat in order to sell him to a freak show. Like any graphic novel with superheroes without superpowers, there is a lot of suspense. Here is two gifted people, Batman and Nightwing, fighting against people with superpowers like Blockbuster and Deathstroke. The rising action is the fight with Scarecrow and then the fight with Lunch Meat and his underlings in order to get closer to defeating Blockbuster. The climax is when they get in a huge fight with Blockbuster and his henchmen. The falling action is when Blockbuster seems to have died after having a building fall on top of him. The resolution is when Blockbuster rises from the building and Nightwing and Batman go away, oblivious to the fact that he is alive. The next story in the graphic novel with Man-Bat and Deathstroke follows the same formula. The Man-Bat story ends with a fight between Deathstroke and Nightwing with Man-Bat getting away, flying across the sky. The only symbol in this graphic novel is the Bat Symbol which shows Batman's devotion to saving people and that one person can make a difference in the world. I enjoyed this graphic novel very much. It was great to see Nightwing team up with Batman again.

About the author:
Chuck Dixon is very experienced with comics because of his over twenty-five years of experience as an editor, writer, and publisher of graphic novels. He has written graphic novels with many characters including Batman and the Simpsons.


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