Book HUSH by jacqueline woodson | Teen Ink

Book HUSH by jacqueline woodson

October 27, 2010
By maria reyes BRONZE, Bronx, New York
maria reyes BRONZE, Bronx, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever been puy in a stuation where you have to turn your whole life around and change your identity? Well, HUSH is an emotional, intimate book wheree a family has to change their whole life.
HUSH, by Jacqueline Woodson is about a girl named oswiah who changes her whole life nd has to leave everything behind because her family enters the whitness protection program. She looses herself and her life is nothing like it used to be before!

Jacqueline woodson uses flashbacks by making toswiah always remember how her old life used to be and how much she misses it. This made me cnnect to Toswihs pain because she remembers how good her old life used to be and how hard it is to leave everything behind. I reccommend this book because its both educationl and interesting. It teaches you what to do is you ever whittness anyone committ a crime and its interesting because it shows emotion, drama, and it shows conflicts and how they fight through the pain.


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