The Cay by Theodore Taylor | Teen Ink

The Cay by Theodore Taylor

March 25, 2011
By Bweezy23 BRONZE, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia
Bweezy23 BRONZE, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Never give up . Even if you're mind tells you too , listen to what your heart is saying<3" - Brianna .

The Cay Review

The Cay is a very interesting book. I just wanted to share some information about it with you. There are two main characters in this book. There is Ole’ Timothy, and then there is Phillip Enright. There are other characters that are frequently mentioned, but these two are the most important.

Timothy is an ole’ black male from the West Indies. He never knew his parents, and was raised by a lady. He is not very educated. He spent most of his life working on the water. Fishing, crabbing , and fixing boats. He was a very hard working man.
Phillip Enright was a young, white male from Norfolk Virginia. He was in Curacao because his father was working for the oil company. I’m thinking he was an executive. His mother didn’t really like being there knowing that the war is going on. She really wanted to move back to Norfolk.

Timothy and Phillip meet because they were on a ship and it wrecked. Timothy helped Phillip onto a raft. They were on the raft for a while by themselves and then they found an island. The Cay. The decided for a long while if they should go on it of stay on the raft. It was surrounded by a reef.

Philip and Timothy learn to live life without much food or fresh water. They learn to work together. Life on The Cay was not the same for Phillip; Timothy was sort of use to this life style. While they were on the island, they grew closer.

This book was great. I give it 5 stars. It hit me hard, and it was wonderful. I encourage you to read it.

The author's comments:
Well , I read this book in school this year . It was wonderful . I loved it.


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