Tails of the Bronx by Jill Pinkwater | Teen Ink

Tails of the Bronx by Jill Pinkwater

April 14, 2011
By Anonymous

Tails of the Bronx by Jill Pinkwater is an action-filled global issue fiction book. The copyright date is 1991. Tails of the Bronx will always keep you wanting to turn the page.

I would definitely recommend Tails of the Bronx to other middle school students. I would recommend this book to other students because it is an action-filled book. Also, there are many different characters with unique personalities that will keep you wanting to read more. Another reason I would recommend this book to other middle school students is the setting and plot. Overall, I would most definitely recommend Tails of the Bronx to other middle school students.

There is plenty of action and conflict in Tails of the Bronx. The book takes place in Bronx, New York. About one hundred kids and their families live in a small neighborhood called Burnridge. In Burnridge, all of the families are very close. One of the main characters is a ten-year-old girl named Loretta Bernstein. When Loretta grows up, she hopes to become a forest ranger. Loretta has a brother named Calvin, a sister named Susie Q, and another brother, Raven. One day, the families in the neighborhood begin to notice their cats are missing. The children curiously begin to look for the cats. As the children look, they find out someone has been going through the neighborhoods trash. One night in particular, the children happened to see a mysterious person with a large bag traveling from house to house. Could this person have to do with the missing cats? If you want to know more about what happens in this exciting story, you’ll have to read the book, Tails of the Bronx.


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