Bird | Teen Ink


April 17, 2011
By AubreyH BRONZE, Saratoga Springs, New York
AubreyH BRONZE, Saratoga Springs, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In Bird by Angela Johnson, the main character, Bird, is on a runaway mission to find her stepfather, when she meets many different people on the way. This book was copyrighted in 2004, and it's genre is global issues.

I would reccomend this book for my peers because it is inspiring and it shows that, no matter what happens, you can get through it. Bird shows this because her stepfather leaves, but she still keeps her family alive; and then when she runs away she fights for her own life more than anything. Ethan, a boy who lives in a farmhouse,shows that if you fight hard enough, sometimes you can get over a disease or sickness; and Jay, a boy who's brother died unexpectantly, shows that you can get through the loss of a loved one.

I think this book would help some of my peers understand more that a lot of people go through the things that happen in this book, and that they could learn from their experiences. I also think for some it might even help them realize that they can do anything if they put their minds to it, if they keep fighting and trying, because you never know, your life could depend on it.

As you can see, Bird is a very good book for my peers and kids of my age, because it can teach them many things.

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