Kurt Warner by Geotge Rekela | Teen Ink

Kurt Warner by Geotge Rekela

May 27, 2011
By Tabfire BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Tabfire BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Kurt Warner. Buckner, Taylor. NJ: Enslow publishers, Inc, 2003. 64 number pages.

The book Kurt Warner talks about a quarterback who is nothing. He has a live long dream to play in the NFL. He is turned down many times. He tries many times to get there. He plays with the Barnstorming. Then the rams pick him up.

This book shows how perseveres pays off. He tried hard to get there but he did. After a while he talked with GOD. He was brave and strong. He was very patient. He met a girl and she had kids but they stayed together. No matter how hard it was he kept fighting. The main thing he never quit.

From early in his life he dreamed of being a quarterback. He was dedicating his life to football. Football was his life. Kurt Warner loves it he played with city league teams like barnstorming. If he was not playing football he was sleeping. He found a nice girl that had two kids but he loved her.

I thought that the book was pretty good. There were a lot of details. I would recommend this book to football lovers. All thought they needed more information. It was a short book if it had more word it might be better. It does not provide a lot of background information.


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