Pope John XXIII by Arthur Schlesinger | Teen Ink

Pope John XXIII by Arthur Schlesinger

June 1, 2011
By greg miller BRONZE, Elkview, West Virginia
greg miller BRONZE, Elkview, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Pope John XXIII Schlesinger, Arthur. New York, Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. 111.
Pope John XXIII by Arthur M. Schlesinger, JR is about the Popes life. How he was the most beloved of all Popes. He was the Pope for a total of four and a half years. Pope John made changes that revolutionized his faith. Pope John was born in Angelo Giuseppe in 1881.
When he was a kid he always said his family was poor but very happy they felt like they were not missing anything. When he became Pope he thought that a priest is supposed to comfort and enlighten souls, and he is able to fulfill this mission because he himself feels the weight of human frailty. Pope John always told the people of Bulgaria. Pope John referred to himself as Abraham Lincoln going one step at a time.
Pope John was very heroic during WWII. Pope John rescued Jews during WWII. By taking them away from Hitler. Pope John died when he was 77


This article has 1 comment.

The Pope said...
on Jun. 13 2011 at 1:40 pm
What is that picture?