The It Girl by Cecily Von Ziegesar | Teen Ink

The It Girl by Cecily Von Ziegesar

May 5, 2008
By Anonymous

In The It Girl, Jenny has just arrived at Waverley Academy after getting kicked out of her all girls school in New York City, and this city girl is ready to start fresh at a new school. She is placed in a dorm with Callie and Brett, the popular girls at Waverley. Everything seems to going well when it's all turned upside down. Easy, Callie's boyfriend, is caught in the girl's dorm room with Jenny right after Callie leaves the room. Jenny is put in a tough situation. She has to either face Disciplinary Committee or rat out Callie. She is forced to choose between popularity or possibly getting kicked out of the school. Not only this, but Brett seems to have a new love interest she's not telling Callie about. Ever since Tinsley (Brett and Callie's best friend) was expelled, it just hasn't been the same between the two.

In this book relationships are tested, gossip is spread, and drama is everywhere. It kept me wondering what's next and saying “Oh my gosh!” at the end of every chapter. I would highly recommend this book to any teenage girl. Cecily Von Ziegesar does an excellent job of making sure you do not put this book down until you have read every last word. It's full of twists and turns, and it's a great book that every girl should have on her book shelf.


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