Twilight by Stephanie Meyers | Teen Ink

Twilight by Stephanie Meyers

March 16, 2008
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Seventeen year old Bella Swan moved to Forks with her to give her mom and her new step-dad some space even though she hated the place. Clouds covered the sky a majority of the time and it was always raining. Everyone knew everything about everyone, or so she thought until the little town became a bit more interesting after her first sight of the Cullen's. The five teenagers, Edward, Alice, Emmett, Jasper, and Rosalie, all sit at lunch every day with trays full of food, yet never eating a bite.
In Stephanie Meyer's book, Twilight, the Cullen family has a deadly secret. They are all outrageously gorgeous, have skin so pale it's basically white, and have purple bruises under their eyes. They were all adopted by the young Carlisle and his wife Esme. Emmett and Rosalie are together, and so are Alice and Jasper, but Bella is especially enthralled by Edward, who she is told doesn't date.
Bella knows they have a secret, and she knows they're not human. But she is thrown into when Edward seems to hate her immediately for no reason but saves her by lifting a full sized van off of her when she is almost crushed by it. He claims he's no good for her –that he's dangerous. Yet something throws them together as Bella continues to strive to solve the mystery behind the beautiful Cullen family.
In this book you will find action, horror, love, romance, mystery, and even a little comedy. Stephanie Meyers makes this fantasy story about a vampire who falls in love with a very unlucky human believable. You literally feel like you've been pushed into the world of Bella and Edward as a forbidden love turns into a struggle for one's life.
I loved this book. Once I picked it up I literally couldn't put it down. The first hundred pages might be a little slow, but bear with it because you might just find yourself replacing your current favorite book with a new one. I know I did.


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