Heart Reader of Franklin High | Teen Ink

Heart Reader of Franklin High

April 10, 2008
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The novel The Heart Reader of Franklin High was a really interesting novel. It kept me thinking, “What will happen next?'' I think the author did an amazing job. Her words were easy to understand and the scenes were very descriptive. You could imagine the scenes happening. However, I didn't really understand the title of the novel.
There are many different characters in the novel. One of them was a really mean guy that hated everyone, and one was a pregnant woman. The characters were different and amazing. The main character was Jake. Jake could hear people's needs. For example, he heard the pregnant woman say that she was going to put her baby up adoption, and he heard Trina, his crush, say, “I'm so ugly. “The novel had love between Jake and Trina. My favorite scene was when God took away Jake's gift, but Jake still talked to everyone about God. Jake said,” You have to have faith in the Lord.”
In my overall opinion, the novel was really interesting. I would recommend the book to someone who doesn't really know God and is really shy to talk to people.


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