Johnny Tremain by Ester Forbes | Teen Ink

Johnny Tremain by Ester Forbes

November 16, 2011
By Anonymous

Book title and author: Johnny Tremain By : Esther Forbes
Title of review: Launch into History
Number of stars (1 to 5): 4

This book is about a young boy by the name of Johnny Tremain . He was a silversmith and that's what he wanted his career to be ,but some things happen which make that impossible .a friend named ab changed his life and his way of thinking.

Description and summary of main points
Johnny Lyte Tremain is a 14 year old boy who is an apprentice for a silversmith has a few bad lucks and such and is soon unemployed so he meets a guy named Rab who is very nice and helpful and while living with Rab , Johnny’s opinions change a lot . And he also gets a new job which will change his live forever.
This book is in the time period of the Revolutionary War and this novel is a very interesting and it really allows you to learn and understand the history of the Revolutionary War . The main characters are Johnny and Rab . This book really shows the struggles of the colonists . At first I really didn't like this book , because it started off way too slow but when then I really started to like it and enjoy it and I really understood the Revolutionary War and it was very interesting .

This is a very good book not just because of the history but because it keep you intrigued through the whole book . It shows the bravery and the courage of the colonists . This is a very good read .

Your final review
I would tell anyone to read this book , because it is interesting and it really lets you understand the rough times the colonists had when they were fighting for there freedom and liberty .


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