Ruby Holler by Sharon Creech | Teen Ink

Ruby Holler by Sharon Creech

December 21, 2011
By AcademicCoolKid BRONZE, Dexer, Michigan
AcademicCoolKid BRONZE, Dexer, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Creech, Sharon. Ruby Holler.

Its a “basin in the hills...where the col breezes drifted through the trees, and where the creek was so clear that every stone on its bottom was visible.” Its Ruby Holler, by Sharon Creech. I’ve read this book so many since third grade; it never gets old.

The characters in this book are so lively and spirited. Dallas’s and Florida’s personalities compliment each other so well. Dallas is quiet and imaginative, whereas Florida is loud and uncontrollable. Sairy is creative, and Tiller is also creative, but stubborn like Florida. Ruby Holler is very well hidden, beautiful, and greatly described. The author really shows the holler, the Trepid’s house and Z’s shack. As I read where Tiller and Sairy arrive at the holler with the twins, I can see the ruby red flowers and the understone fund rocks spread out in the yard, and I can here the creak of the swing of the porch. The main conflict of the story is very well thought out. Mr. Trepid found out that the adopters of Dallas and Florida have a ton of money hidden under rocks in their yard, so Mr. Trepid and his henchman, Z, try to steal the money while Florida & Dallas try to become friends with Tiller and Sairy as thy prepare to go on seperate trips.

Ruby Holler is probably one of the greatest books I’ve ever read. The details of the book are so well written. For example, in the first chapter, Dallas talks about a silver bird, he describes it so brilliantly. I also love how it goes from from Dallas, Sairy, Florida, and Tiller going on about there lives, and then it goes to Mr. Trepid’s & Z’s plan to steal the money. Overall, this book was fantastically written by an exceptional author. I love every book written by Sharon Creech, but Ruby Holler is by far the best.


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