How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff | Teen Ink

How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff

December 22, 2011
By ExtraordinaryMe SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
ExtraordinaryMe SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
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Meg Rosoff is an amazing author born in Boston, Massachusetts. She first started of working with People’s Magazine and spent two years with them. She also as well worked with New York Times. She was the type of person who would get fired all the time for being mouthy. But soon she became a very good author and now she’s writing interesting books. Many times all it takes is a good writer to enhance there talent not the need of others to approve.
How I Live Now is a compelling story of war, romance and tragedy taking place during a civil war. A young girl named Daisy moves from New York to live with her Aunt Penn in England. During her time there she starts spending time with her cousins Piper, Isaac, and Edmond. Soon enough Daisy and her cousin Edmond fall in deep love with each other. Mean while, as the civil war goes on Daisy and Edmond are separated from each other. At the time Daisy dreams of the perfect moment when she and Edmond will reunite with each other. Eventually after so much misfortune they end reuniting but it all turns out distinct to what she had expected it to be.
Without a doubt How I Live Now is an amazing story it has won the Children’s book of the year and many other awards.
This book has caught my attention by how believable the characters are. They had to endure real complications such as surviving a war that came between their love affection towards each other. It kept me so interested I wouldn’t want to shut the book. The more and more I read it surprised me by how great it was, and I didn’t realize how time had passed. Although there relationship is chaotic it shows that true love prevails all.
-Michelle Carrillo


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