Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book #1 by Jeff Kiney | Teen Ink

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book #1 by Jeff Kiney

February 3, 2012
By rider1999 BRONZE, Kelowna, District Of Columbia
rider1999 BRONZE, Kelowna, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Go Big or GO HOME <br /> <br /> You miss 100 o/o of the shots you dont take

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book #1
Gregg Heffleys one wish is to be popular. Every time he tries something astonishing, there is a twist. Gregg finds himself a weakling with his peculiar best friend Rowley. One day one of Gregg’s wishes came true. He had a chance to write the comics for the school newspaper. He has desperately wanted to write comics since the last kid who did became very popular. When Gregg handed his comic to Mr. Ira he saw that many other people had admitted comics. Then at lunch, they announced the winner. The cafeteria went silent. People were eager to find out who won. Then Mr. Ira calmly said the winner is.... Gregg Heffley! Gregg could not believe it. He thought he was dreaming. That was until the first comic came out.

The author makes the story interesting by coming up with the perfect twists and turns, and by creating intriguing characters. Jeff Kiney is a great author because he makes the characters seem real. He makes you feel as if you are in the situation with the characters.

I would recommend this book to anyone. This is a great thriller for any ages eight to fourteen years old. There is a series of these books that make you never want to stop reading. I really connected to the base of the story. No one wants to be the kid who people do not like. Everyone wants to be popular. I think you should go and buy this series of books. You will be amazed by how great Jeff Kiney’s type of writing is!


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