Tuck Everlasting | Teen Ink

Tuck Everlasting

March 9, 2012
By seth123 SILVER, Logan, Ohio
seth123 SILVER, Logan, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt, a book published in 1979, was such an excellent book that it inspired a movie released in 1999. The movie, though similar to the book, has many differences.

In the book and the movie, Winnie Foster, a wealthy girl, runs away from home and encounters the Tucks, a family of immortal beings. Winnie develops a deep love for Jesse Tuck, a one-hundred-four year old boy trapped in a seventeen year old’s body for all of eternity. A greedy man known as The Man In The Yellow Suit has a plan based on childhood stories he heard from his grandmother about a family who could never die. He set out to find this family of immortals and sell the water they drank from for huge amounts of money. Mae Tuck foils his plans when she clubs him in the head with a shotgun. In the end of the story Winnie helps Mae escape from prison and chooses not to drink from the bottle but instead to die like all other mortals.
In the book Winnie is around age ten. In the movie, she is around age seventeen to make the love interest between her and Jesse seem more realistic. Another difference is that in the book a toad that inspires Winnie to run away from home is in the story much more than in the movie. Also in the book Jesse gives Winnie a bottle of water from the spring to drink when she turns seventeen. In the movie she makes this decision on her own. Another difference is that at the end of the book Mae and Tuck drive through Treegap (the town where the movie takes place) in the late 1900s and see Winnie’s tomb stone in the town cemetery. In the movie Jesse rides up to the tree on a motorcycle and visits Winnie’s grave under the spring.
Besides the appearance of the toad and Winnie’s age, the movie was very much like the book and followed the story line extremely well.


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