Johnny One-Eye by Jerome Charyn | Teen Ink

Johnny One-Eye by Jerome Charyn

May 6, 2012
By Weatherby76 PLATINUM, Newtown, Pennsylvania
Weatherby76 PLATINUM, Newtown, Pennsylvania
33 articles 34 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” – Douglas Adams

It's safe to say that the American Revolution has never been this fun. It is the tumultous narrative of a spy named John Stocking on the streets of wartime New York. Raised by prostitutes living in the red-light district "Holy Ground", Johnny is thrown into the turmoil of the War for Independence. The story begins with Manhattan burning to the ground, and follows his journey to the battegrounds of Yorktown. While it may seem like any other historical novel, it puts a comedic spin on every character, where the heroes are a one-eyed spy, a Holy Ground madam, and her band of prostitutes. Through it all, Johnny struggles with loyalty and his love for the beautiful Clara. Bringing a fresh new perspective, this tour-du-force is filled with spies, secret meetings, fractured loyalties, and danger, with never a dull moment.

All at once, Johnny One-Eye is savage, delicate, shocking, empathetic, and powerful. A poignant picture, it blends together ideas of loyalty, love, and identity against the backdrop of war. With an energetic mix of adventure, twists, turns, and pandemonium, any reader can enjoy this, regardless of whether or not you have an interest in history. The story is impossible to put down, and guarantees you will never see the American Revolution the same way again!


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