Shug | Teen Ink


May 15, 2012
By Julisa Martijn BRONZE, Destrehan, Louisiana
Julisa Martijn BRONZE, Destrehan, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you ever go in the library and see a list of books to read during the summer? I never really got into reading a book during the summer that was the last thing I wanted to do. When I saw the book Shug, I thought to myself, “Okay, I guess I’ll give this one a try.” After reading the first
couple of pages, I was hooked instantly.

This novel is about how life changes during middle school. The story takes place the summer before, and already things are starting to change. Shug is starting to see her bestfriend in a different, romantic type of way, but he doesn’t notice it at all. The fact that they were best friends was like a bump in the road. Have you ever liked one of your friends as a little more than just a friend? What do you do when the one you like suddenly changes and is dating someone else? What do you do when you become a part of the popular crowd and your old friend is not a part of that? Do you invite them over or just ignore the situation?

All of these situations happen, and Shug experiences all of it. She finds herself playing both sides, being a part of the mean, popular crowd but also shut out by them. We’ve all experienced what that is like and how it feels. We start to realize who we are, what’s important, and what we are doing.

If you are starting middle school, then you should read this book. Understand that middle school will change you, and by reading this book, you will understand what it’s like to be in these situations. You will love this book , it’s unforgettable.

The author's comments:
I wrote a book review on the book "Shug" because I thought it was a really good know and I felt the need to let others know as well so they can read it too.


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