A Fault in Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

A Fault in Our Stars by John Green

June 11, 2012
By Dani93 BRONZE, Sunrise, Florida
Dani93 BRONZE, Sunrise, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.&rdquo; <br /> ― Eleanor Roosevelt

This book was very emotional for me, mainly because the topic at hand was cancer. Having a cancer patient for a grandfather, I was a tad weary at reading this book because I felt it would upset me, but instead, it opened my eyes more. I’m glad to have read it.
This is my first John Green book and after reading it, I am definitely planning on getting my hands on his other books which I hear are really good as well.
Hazel’s life is a miracle all itself; being diagnosed with stage four cancer is definitely no field day. Augustus Waters is lucky to be alive as well after losing one of his legs to osteosarcoma. They meet at a cancer support group meeting which Hazel generally attends weekly. They have an immediate connection. They become close, and exchange their favorite books. The book Hazel gives Gus is about a girl with cancer and he loved it just as much as she did. This book however, doesn’t really end; so it has always been Hazel’s dream to hear the end of the story.
Green’s writing is addictive; that’s the only way I can seem to describe it. I was hooked from page one. He didn’t write it as a book about cancer, but rather as a book about love, loss, and disappointment. It just so happened the two main characters had cancer. This book was emotional and at times heart-breaking. The plot wasn’t clichéd, and was definitely unique and special. It left a beautiful ache in my heart.
I especially loved the whole side plot about the book. One would think it would be an amazing experience to meet their favorite author in their own home, but for Hazel, it was more of a nightmare and a major disappointment. Though I do believe Mr. Peter Van Houten does redeem himself at the end; especially hearing the reason behind why he is the way he is: rude, a drunk, and just a lousy person to be around.
As my first John Green novel, I was left thinking, What took me so long?! I was not let down from my expectations for it was everything I expected and more. I would recommend this book to everyone I know because it gives them a rather different perspective of life around them, and tells them every moment we live is precious, so live life to the fullest.
Live. Love. Laugh all has a new meaning to me now.

The author's comments:
This book was very inspirational. Its the kind of book that hits home and is something everyone should read.


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on Jun. 20 2012 at 8:21 pm
soundingonlyatnightasyousleep BRONZE, Shoreview, Minnesota
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The Fault in Our Stars. The!