A Fault in Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

A Fault in Our Stars by John Green

September 3, 2012
By emoore_320 BRONZE, SD, California
emoore_320 BRONZE, SD, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A Fault in Our Stars, written by John Green, is the humorous, heartwarming, tragic, and romantic tale of Hazel and Augustus. Told from the perspective of sixteen year old cancer patient Hazel Grace, A Fault in Our Stars follows Hazel on a journey that she never expected.

Diagnosed with terminal cancer at the age of only thirteen, Hazel left school, and since then, she rarely leaves her home. When Hazel is diagnosed with depression, her mother insists that Hazel visit a weekly support group, which she reluctantly goes to. But the support group is where she meets Augustus; the gorgeous, fourteen-months-in-remission, one legged boy who instantly changes Hazels life. As they grow closer and closer, Augustus and Hazel learn more about each other than they thought they ever would. Yet one day, an announcement is made that will change both of their lives forever.

A Fault in Our Stars is recommended for teens and young adults. With engaging plot twists, witty lines and tragic romance, it will keep readers captivated and intrigued. John Green manages to write a story that can make the audience laugh one page, and cry the next. For students looking for the next great read, you need look no farther than A Fault in Our Stars.

The author's comments:
I wrote this as a plot summary and partial book review for one of my favorite books, A Fault in Our Stars. I recommend it for any young adults or teens looking for a heartwarming read!


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