The Green Mile by Stephen King | Teen Ink

The Green Mile by Stephen King

September 19, 2012
By Eric Zito BRONZE, Oxford, Massachusetts
Eric Zito BRONZE, Oxford, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My Review: The Green Mile

The Green Mile by Stephen King is a fiction novel about how someone can be labeled by the color of their skin and how big they are. In this novel, Paul Edgecombe, the supervising officer of death row at the Cold Mountain State Penitentiary, tells tales about how a 6’8” man convicted of a double homicide changed his life. This giant went by the name of John Coffey, a gentle giant who was wrongly accused because of his race. John has the magical power to heal people by sucking the bad energy (evil) out of them.
This book definitely has some boring parts and of course has some parts that kept you wanting more. One example of the exhilarating nature of this novel is when the team of guards broke John out of the prison to heal the warden’s wife who was suffering from a brain tumor. The reason this is so interesting is because you don’t know if John’s magical powers are actually going to cure the warden’s wife. This is also an example of how Stephen King’s use of realistic fiction ties the reader to the book.
The Green Mile is a perfect read for someone who is looking for an easy but very interesting book. This novel supplies the reader with a book that is hard to put down once you have started reading it.

Word Count: 227

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