Memoirs of a Milk Carton Kid by Tanya Kach | Teen Ink

Memoirs of a Milk Carton Kid by Tanya Kach

September 19, 2012
By jessg2013 BRONZE, Oxford, Massachusetts
jessg2013 BRONZE, Oxford, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine being trapped in the same room for ten years having to wear raggedy old clothes and having absolutely no freedom. Tanya Kach wrote about the struggles she faced in her auto-biography Memoirs of a Milk Carton Kid. After running away to the school security guard, her proposed love of her life held her captive for ten years all the time being undetected by her capture’s parents. Over the ten years Tanya went through many extraordinary struggles. These struggles include solidarity, sexual abuse as well as emotional abuse.

Tanya continues into depth the struggles she went through after being discovered. Tanya faces new struggles such as finding a totally new way to live, which causes many years of intense therapy. A number of television studios contacted her for an interview, but she did not go on one until over five years later. Coming out of the same place for over ten years then going into a complete new world would be hard for even the strongest person.

Although Tanya’s story seems very interesting, the book is poorly written. The story does not have any suspense at all. For example when Tanya finally broke down and told someone, the big event did not get led up to at all. The story also lacks literary elements, no climax, falling action, rising action, symbolism and many more due to the fact that Tanya Kach is an amateur author. I would not recommend the book to anyone unless they like a boring read.


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