Past, Perfect, Present Tense by Richard Peck | Teen Ink

Past, Perfect, Present Tense by Richard Peck

September 26, 2012
By Daliss06 BRONZE, Santa Maria, California
Daliss06 BRONZE, Santa Maria, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Past, Perfect, Present Tense
By : Richard Peck

Many stories have a simple beginning, plot, and ending. In Past, Perfect, and Present Tense, Richard Peck has compiled many short stories that catch your interest at the very begging. He has quiet the variety of imagination. From a large girl named Priscilla who’s dealing with a gang of bullies, to a girl gardening with her mom in Illinois. Priscilla is a large teenage girl who has no clue who the Klutting Kobra’s are, that apparently “run” her schools halls. She finally realizes that all they do is bully the smaller kids and take hall taxes from them. Melvin is the Kobra’s leader and is confronted by Priscilla .He doesn’t resalize how much bigger she is than him and decides to take a stand. She throws him into a locker and is done with school for the day. If you’re interested in short stories that catch your attention quickly and are from all spectrums, then Peck’s writing are something that you’ll enjoy. These short stories are thoroughly entertaining and rousing. “The story is only as strong as the voice telling it,” Peck states at the end of the series.


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