WHAT MY MOTHER DOESNT KNOW by Sonya Sones | Teen Ink


September 26, 2012
By Esmeralda Sanchez Avila BRONZE, Arroyo Grande, California
Esmeralda Sanchez Avila BRONZE, Arroyo Grande, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What my Mother doesn’t Know
By: Sonya Sones

What My Mother Doesn’t Know is a book that captures the feelings of a girl that is trying to think straight and is trying to be brave. This book takes you to the heart and life of a confused teenage girl that must make these decisions about her love life. This is a great book because you can have an immediate connection to the protagonist. The things that happen in this book are things that most girls in middle school and high school must face. This is an amazing book for anybody that enjoys reading about everyday life and the challenges that one must face as a teenage girl.
She is a young teenage girl named Sophie that found true love in the laps of a boy named Dylan. Right away she felt this immediate attraction to him. They were in their honey moon stage when suddenly that fire turned off. She started to notice little things that began to bother her more and more. In search of a spark to excite her life she meets a guy on the internet. That little spark she had been searching for turned off immediately as he told her something that is just so unimaginable that you must read the book to find out. As soon as she completely lost communication with internet boy, she begins to notice a boy named Murphy but there is a big problem with him. He is the loser of the school. When someone does something that only a dork would do, they say, “Don’t be such a Murphy.” Time passed and now she must make a decision to be brave and tell her friends about what she feels or stay quiet and lose what might be an opportunity to find true meaningful love.


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