50 Cent Playground by 50 Cent | Teen Ink

50 Cent Playground by 50 Cent

September 26, 2012
By PedroAlvarado BRONZE, Nipomo, California
PedroAlvarado BRONZE, Nipomo, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

ullies, everyone hates them, they’re all a pain in the butt, though have you ever wondered what makes a bully be a bully? Singer, rapper and music producer 50 Cent, now takes a leap and his career to be become a now worldwide selling author. His book, 50 Cent Playground, speaks about his adolescent and teenage life, and how he was affected by bullying. The book takes place in Queens, New York City where the streets are full of violence and where his home is isolation from everything around him. Theme in the story is the reason how someone can become a bully without really wanting to be a bully, and how life situations can be rough but and the end you can find happiness in what you love. 50 Cent Playground is another story that related to the bestseller Speak, on how a young girl is raped and both bullied and discriminated at school. I give these book two thumbs up, for its powerful message to the young world. So, if you’re ever just sitting on your couch, read 50 Cent Playground to get an awesome idea on how bullies become bullies.


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