Need: The First of Three Books by Carrie Jones | Teen Ink

Need: The First of Three Books by Carrie Jones

January 6, 2013
By TheFreeDarkness BRONZE, Ashland, Kentucky
TheFreeDarkness BRONZE, Ashland, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I consider myself fairly interested in books about fictional creatures such as vampires, wizards, and trolls which is why I was slightly shocked to realize that I hadn't read a single book in my lifetime about pixies. I was even more shocked that I the idea of a book about pixies did not particularly interest me. I forgot all about it but, as fate would have it, I stumbled upon the book Need in my local bookstore and instantly fell in love.

Need is an enchanting book about a girl named Zara White and her shocking realization that human is not the only thing she is. Shortly after her stepfather dies she moves to Maine to live with her grandmother. During her stay she learns some shocking news about herself and her friends and copes by vocalizing phobias in her head whenever she gets nervous.

The author, Carrie Jones, takes the idea of pixies and puts it into a whole new light. I would recommend this book to anyone that enjoys science-fiction, drama, and/or a little romance.


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