Between The Lines by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer | Teen Ink

Between The Lines by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer

January 6, 2013
By Mkessler BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
Mkessler BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you can talk you can sing, If you can walk you can dance."

Imagine being caught inside a fairy tale living the same life with nowhere to go except the imagination of only what the author wrote into the book and not much more. Imagine every time someone opens that book and reads you have to say those same lines over, and over and can not change them because that is simply how it is written. And no matter what you do nobody can hear you yell for help to get you out. This is how Oliver feels, and he is just about to the edge of his desperation when one girl notices. Delilah, and Oliver experiment in every possible way they can imagine to get Oliver out of his story and into reality. They both struggle to distinguish reality from fantasy. And if it’s worth it. But will they both get the happy ever after they deserve? Or will fate hold them back from the things they want most?

The author's comments:
My opinion
In my opinion I thought the book was really good. I would honestly read it again, and hopefully will before the year is over. I really love how the characters are written, the humor, and the challenges.
One thing I think that makes this book so unique is that it makes me think of the possibilities of the story actually being true. It also gave me a sense of curiosity and I felt like it somehow opened my mind to new ideas.
Overall I think this is a very creative, cute and interesting book.

I recommend this book to anyone who likes to read about romance, humor or for someone who likes to find curiosity, or inspiration in a story.


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